£100,000 available to help Scottish SMEs become more resource efficient


Small to medium enterprises in Scotland are able to access loans of up to £100,000 from the Scottish Government to enable them to become more resource efficient.

The Resource Efficient Scotland SME loan scheme, which is funded by the Scottish Government, offers loans between £1,000 and £100,000 to eligible businesses to help them save money and reduce carbon emissions.


Business and energy minister Fergus Ewing said: “We are committed to supporting businesses across Scotland to improve their energy and resource efficiency, to help cut costs and increase their competitiveness.

“Our SME loan scheme provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to make vital savings through the installation of resource efficient measures, as well as bringing economic opportunities to businesses participating in the supply chain for the installation of measures.”

The loans are interest free for most measures and have a repayment period of eight years.

They can be used to fund upgraded lighting, improved insulation, biomass boiler installation, purchase of more energy-efficient equipment and projects to reduce the use of water and other raw materials.