Hospitality and food industry meeting waste and emissions reduction targets


Signatories to the Hospitality and Food Service Agreement (HaFSA) have reported 15,000 tonnes less waste and 30,000 tonnes less CO2 emissions in 2014.

These estimates against the baseline year have been published by WRAP and show an estimated food waste saving of £3.6 million.


The amount of surplus food redistributed has continued to rise by 47% to 528 tonnes.

Against the waste management target, the combined recycling rate rose from 45% to 57% at the end of year two, but a lot will have needed to have been done this year to meet the 70% by 2015 target.

WRAP director of sustainable food systems Richard Swannell (pictured) said: “These achievements are the result of a lot of hard work by many people, and a huge undertaking by the sector over two years.

“The targets require real effort, so it’s great to see signatories performing well against both. Given this performance, I’m sure the final results will set a solid foundation for the Courtauld Commitment 2025.”