Scottish businesses urged to make resolution to be more resource efficient


Resource Efficient Scotland is encouraging Scottish businesses to make a New Year’s Resolution to use energy, water and raw materials more efficiently.

It wants Scottish businesses to sign up to the Resource Efficiency Pledge that would see them commit to completing three actions over the course of 12 months.


More than 70 businesses including Network Rail, Gordon & MacPhail and the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (pictured) have already made a pledge.

Resource Efficient Scotland head Marissa Lippiatt said: “Making resource efficiency a resolution for the New Year doesn’t just benefit the environment, it can also lead to cost savings, improved staff skills and a competitive advantage for businesses. Setting these resolutions can help business to focus their attention and form collective goals for the organisation to work towards, making targets more achievable.

“Whether these are the first steps towards sustainability, or a further progression by an organisation already leading the way, I hope that businesses across Scotland will consider making a Resource Efficiency Pledge for 2015.”