The Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association has expressed its disappointment that the Department of Energy and Climate Change has not yet published details on non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) expansion.
Despite publishing details of tariffs for domestic RHI technologies such as air source heat pumps and biomass boilers, DECC announced that it would be publishing details on the RHI for non-domestic facilities above 200kw in autumn.
In a statement, Energy Minister Greg Barker said: “DECC is currently finalising the details of the expansion of the non-domestic RHI scheme and we will confirm the way forward in the autumn alongside the outcome of the tariff review. Our aim to introduce support through these changes from spring 2014 remains unchanged.
But ADBA chief executive Charlotte Morton said the delay will make it harder for AD plants to be developed.
She said: “Today’s announcement of yet another delay for expanded RHI support for heat use from biogas projects is very disappointing for AD developers and operators.
“Making good use of heat from AD plants makes sense for operators, and will help the Government deliver renewable energy targets.
“The RHI is currently well below its projected budget and another delay will simply make it harder for our members to deliver the projects the Government wants to see.
“DECC could help resolve this by giving developers clarity over the eligibility date, which would allow projects to start generating and using renewable heat if they have commissioned their plant within a set period.”