The European Commission’s proposed 40 per cent reduction in emissions and 27 per cent renewable energy targets are a “step in the right direction” according to Energy Secretary Ed Davey.
Responding to the European Commission 2030 White Paper on climate change, he said: “Today’s proposals are a step in the right direction towards an ambitious emissions reduction target for Europe. They provide the flexibility to tackle climate change in the most cost-effective way, so that British consumers aren’t paying over the odds to go green. This package backs the green growth agenda I’ve been working for with other European colleagues.”
The Energy Secretary believes that a 40 per cent greenhouse gas reduction target is a good start and will lead to massive investment in renewable energy.
He added: “Britain has been clear that Europe must be ready to adopt a 50 per cent target if the rest of the world is prepared to sign an ambitious global climate deal in 2015.
“It’s good news that the Commission has listened to the UK argument that countries must be allowed to decarbonise in the cheapest way possible. However, the UK remains concerned about any renewables target, especially as the debate within Parliament and the British green movement has moved on to technology neutral options like a decarbonisation target as the most cost effective and practical way of fighting climate change.”