With recent substantial price rises for paper grades and then sudden falls, the market looks set to remain volatile in 2017.
Cycle Link managing director Craig Robinson will be sharing his view on where the market is headed at Secondary Commodity Markets Conference on 26 April in Oxford.
Other speakers include:
- Jakob Rindegren, ESA on will Brexit make a difference to the UK recycling sector
- James Piper, Ecosurety on the PRN market
- David Wilson, Vanden Recycling on the UK within the global recycled plastics market
- Peter Sainsbury, WRAP on how the global economy is affecting the recycling market
- Joseph Doherty, Regen on developments in MRF sorting technology and developments in packaging
- Paul Sanderson, REB Intelligence on trends to look out for in the UK and world recycling markets.
With limited discounted tickets available, book now to ensure you get information that could be essential for your business or organisation.
Visit http://www.secondarycommoditymarkets.eventbrite.co.uk to attend