New tool helps companies assess financial risks from not being sustainable


A tool has been launched by Anthesis Group that will help businesses assess and monetise risks to them against a range of sustainability indicators.

Along with its delivery partner Acclimatise, Anthesis has developed RiskHorizon to help users understand, evaluate, monetise and take action on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and sustainability risks.


The tool enables users to screen 30 political, economic, social and environmental risks to:

  • Identify non-financial risks and opportunities relating to the integrity of fixed assets, supply chains and business models
  • Forecast risk exposure and opportunity across a range of time periods
  • Convert data into cost/revenue options to assess the financial implications of future risks
  • Prioritise actions to deliver lasting outcomes to support improved and resilient commercial decision-making.


Anthesis chief executive Stuart McLachlan said: “Managing non-financial risk, whether it be resource scarcity, geo-political, climate change or human rights requires evidence based planning and where there is risk, there is also opportunity.

“We have designed a tool that highlights both downsides and upsides relating to an increasingly uncertain future which is being released in advance of COP 21. Never has there been a more important time for businesses to respond to address future external risks.

“RiskHorizon has been in development for nearly two years and I am pleased that Anthesis has collaborated with industry to develop such a ground-breaking cloud tool that will help organisations monetise and assess real scenarios to shape both short- and long-term strategies.”