REA calls for positive investment signals from Chancellor’s autumn statement


Chancellor George Osborne should seize the opportunity to boost clean energy investment, according to the Renewable Energy Association (REA).

Ahead of his autumn statement on Thursday, REA wants to see the Chancellor give a positive signal to investors in renewable energy.


REA chief executive Nina Skorupska said: “Politics affects investment. George Osborne can send a clear signal on Thursday that the long-term security of our energy system and our climate is more important than short-term political point scoring. If energy policy remains a political football right up until the election, this will delay or cancel important energy projects.

“This in turn will raise the risk of blackouts, and the cost of keeping the lights on and houses warm, when the capacity crunch really begins to bite between 2015 and 2019.

“Technologies like solar, wind, waste and wood energy are ready to play their part. When the politics settles, they will be able to secure investment to create the jobs and infrastructure that the UK needs.”