SITA’s new SRF plant set to operate with shredders now installed


A new SITA UK solid recovered fuel (SRF) plant has had three high-specification shredders installed.

The UNTHA shredders will help SITA treat 60,000 tonnes of waste at the Integrated Resource Recovery Centre in Birmingham.


SITA UK has invested in one XR pre-shredder and two TR post-shredders to process commercial and industrial waste from the Midlands.

The SRF, which will be produced to a specification of less than 30mm, will be used in Cemex UK’s plant in Rugby in a 25-year deal between it and SITA UK.

Engineering specialist Sutco have designed the SRF production plant, and the shredders will operated in conjunction with trommels, air shifters, magnets and eddy current separators to ensure the specification is achieved.

A near infrared unit will be used to measure output quality in real time and ensure the SRF has the correct chlorine, moisture content and calorific value.

SITA UK strategic development manager Tim Hughes said: “The new plant enables us to offer our customers with a recycling solution which is cost effective and avoids the use of landfill.

“It’s also great to see that the SRF we will be producing will stay and be put to good use in the Midlands area.”

UNTHA UK alternative fuel production expert Marcus Brew said: “Our waste-to-energy shredders excel in terms of performance. It’s great to see them coming into action at this exciting new SITA UK plant – a site which provides further evidence of the UK’s growing commitment to alternative fuel production.”