Smart packaging could use RFID for environmental information

Tetra Pak Index 2018
The Tetra Pak Index 2018 is currently in its 11th edition and shows

Online grocery shopping is growing at a double-digit rate. A new report from Tetra Pak states that smart packaging design will not only play an important role in the evolution of grocery shopping behaviours, but also its environmental impacts.

The Tetra Pak Index 2018 highlighted four key trends shaping the growth of online grocery: convenience, sustainability, personalization and technology.


When it comes to sustainability the report said that the pressure to solve issues around plastic would not let up in the foreseeable future. It expected awareness of the circular economy to grow and that recycling would become ever more important.

“Consumers want to know whether brands are ‘doing the right thing’,” it stated.

The report also said that technology, and smart packaging in particular, could have an important impact on sustainability.

“Super-fast delivery in as little as 10 minutes is expected by 2025, changing consumer behaviour to buy more frequently and in smaller amounts, adding more complexity to the logistics.

“Supply chains will continue to be transformed by a raft of technologies, notably radio-frequency identification (RFID) and robotics, boosting efficiency and transparency.

“Smart packaging technologies based on unique digital codes allow each and every product package to be given a unique identifier. These codes can be read by either data scanning devices or an ordinary smartphone, linking to vast amount of information and opening up all kinds of possibilities,” it said.

This could include details on the sourcing of raw materials and environmental information.

This type of smart technology could also be used by brands to improve the shopping experience for the consumer. Or they could be compatible with robotic technologies in warehouse and distribution centres.

Could these systems be adopted to make recycling easier as too?

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