A plant in Korea that will recycle zinc compounds from the production of steel is on time to open next year.
In its latest result, British company ZincOx Resources revealed that the facility, which recycles the waste product electric arc furnace dust from the steel making process into high grade zinc and low grade iron, will begin operation in the first quarter of 2012. Capacity will be doubled with a second Korean plant on the same site in the second half of 2013.
ZincOx chairman Andrew Woolett said: “I am delighted with the progress made on the Korea Recycling Plant in the first half of this year and we are looking forward to commencing production in the first quarter of 2012.
“The first phase of the project will demonstrate the attractiveness of the process, not only for the expansion in the second phase of the Korean facility, but also for further plants worldwide.”
The company is in the process of attempting to build other plants in Thailand, Turkey and the USA – all close to major steelmaking centres. It also owns the Big River Zinc smelter in the USA and a 52 per cent share in the Jabali mine in Yemen.