Flexible-plastic collection scheme to expand


A kerbside flexible-plastics collection scheme in the Home Counties is to be expanded.

North Herts Council said the initiative that began in Knebworth in November had been a “resounding success” and would be rolled out to more than 6,000 more homes.


The scheme sees residents fill up dedicated blue bags with items including sweet wrappers, crisp packets, foil-lined packaging, plastic film and bubble wrap.

North Herts Council executive member for recycling and waste Amy Allen said: “It’s been great to see the blue bags lining the streets of Knebworth, and it’s fantastic that we are now able to expand it to other areas of the district.”

Tom Tyson, the local authority’s deputy executive member for recycling and waste, added: “The separate collection of plastic bags and wrapping – whether you’re in the Knebworth trial, the new expansion, or taking them to your local supermarket – has a dramatic impact on what’s left in a non-recyclable bin, and therefore what gets sent to landfill.

“I have been taking my soft plastics to the collection point at our local supermarket for over a year and know first-hand how much even a small household can generate.”

The trial is part of the £2.9m FlexCollect project.

FlexCollect is voluntarily funded by parties including the Flexible Plastic Fund, the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Innovate UK and Zero Waste Scotland. It is delivered by a team comprising Ecosurety, Recoup, Suez and the Waste and Resources Action Programme.