CPI calls for separate collection of paper and cardboard


A position paper by the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) has called for separate collection of paper and cardboard.

In the paper, CPI said that high quality paper for recycling can only be achieved through separate collections of paper and cardboard and therefore it is advocating a dual bin collection system as a minimum. This would mean paper and cardboard would always be collected separately to other recyclable materials.


With Extended Producer Responsibility and Consistency of Collection on the horizon from the Government, CPI said that there remain concerns about how all these reforms will work together.

But it said that separate collection of paper and cardboard as part of these reforms would lead to more investment in UK paper manufacturing.

The paper also called on the Government to support and incentivise the reprocessing of harder to recycle fibre-based materials by providing funding streams to increase the range of fibre-based packaging items that paper mills can process.

CPI director of recycling Dimitra Rappou said: “I am delighted to be able to present CPI’s new position paper on Consistency of Collections – I hope the Government will take note of the recommendations within it to create a consistent, standardised, quality-focused collection regime. 

“Through the position paper, CPI has emphasised that developing a Quality Culture is the only way to achieve future recycling targets while increasing the quality of recyclate entering the waste stream, educating citizens about the value of resources and supporting the transition to a circular, resource efficient economy.”

The position paper can be viewed here