Feature: Comparing the sustainability of traditional glass and paper wine bottles 


Jen Skehan looks at the pros and cons of conventional wine glass bottles compared with emerging paper alternatives. 

Aldi recently showcased a new paper-based wine bottle that contained a plastic pouch to protect the wine (https://www.rebnews.com/aldi-teases-paper-wine-bottles/). But is this the most sustainable option?  


When it comes to the recyclability and sustainability of glass and paper wine bottles, there are several factors to consider. Glass wine bottles are easily recyclable as a simple, single material and can be processed through existing recycling infrastructure.  

However, the production of glass bottles generates greenhouse gas emissions and consumes more energy than paper-based bottles. Additionally, glass bottles are heavy, which increases transportation costs and emissions. 

On the other hand, paper wine bottles have a lower carbon footprint compared to glass bottles. While the paper is easily recyclable, and can be processed through existing recycling infrastructure, there isn’t easy kerbside recycling options for the plastic pouch that contains the wine. Other challenges associated with the use of paper wine bottles include durability, permeability, and consumer perception. 

Pros of using paper wine bottles: 

  • Reduced carbon footprint: Paper wine bottles are made from sustainable materials and have a lower carbon footprint compared to glass bottles. The production of paper bottles generates less greenhouse gas emissions and consumes less energy, according to the manufacturers.  
  • Lightweight: Paper wine bottles are lighter than glass bottles, which reduces transportation costs and emissions. 

Cons of using paper wine bottles: 

  • Recyclability: The paper in these wine bottles is easily recyclable and can be processed through existing recycling infrastructure. However, the plastic pouch isn’t so easy to recycle and can act as a contaminant within the paper recycling stream. 
  • Durability: Paper wine bottles may not be as durable as glass bottles and may not be suitable for long-term storage of wine. 
  • Permeability: Paper wine bottles may not provide the same level of protection against oxygen and moisture as glass bottles, which can affect the quality of the wine. 
  • Consumer perception: Some consumers may perceive paper wine bottles as being of lower quality compared to glass bottles. 

In conclusion, the use of paper wine bottles has several environmental benefits, including a reduced carbon footprint, and reduced transportation costs. However, there are also some challenges, including that they are a multi-material product so are not as easy to recycle, potentially contaminate the paper stream and may not protect the product as well as traditional glass. On the basis that glass is a product that works and is easily recycled, glass seems like a better option than paper overall.