Recycling market

Recycling prices and market commentary: 5 October 2018

October is normally one of the busiest times in the year for the trade of recyclable commodities in the build-up to Christmas. But 2018 looks...

Recycling prices and market commentary: 28 September 2018

There were small adjustments in the recycling market this week on certain grades ahead of expected deeper prices change. Copper and brass grades saw the...

Recycling prices and commentary: 14 September 2018

There wasn't too much change this week for recycling prices, with only metals showing any real changes. But there is a view that change is...
Bales of OCC cardboard for recycling

Recycling prices and market commentary: 7 September 2018

Cardboard remained a strange material in the recycling market this week, with demand for it somewhere between desperate and not wanted. This has led to...

Recycling prices and market commentary: 31 August 2018

With it being the week of the only summer Bank Holiday in the UK, recycling markets were inevitably quiet as people took the opportunity...
Bales of OCC cardboard for recycling

Recycling prices and market commentary: 24 August 2018

While recycling prices remained stable for almost all recycled grades this week, there are things happening in the background that could make September more...

Recycling prices and market commentary: 17 August 2018

There wasn't much movement in recycling prices at all this week, although some metals did drop and OCC increased a little. Much of the market...

Recycling prices and market commentary: 10 August 2018

It seems that, at the moment, there is a new development that affects the market and prices of recycled materials every week. This week's news...
Recycling market

Recycling prices and market commentary: 3 August 2018

In terms of recycling prices, it was a quiet week with not much movement across most material grades. Indeed, many market participants are on holiday,...
Aluminium can recycling

Recycling prices and market commentary: 27 July 2018

Uncertainty is the key word that keeps coming up when you talk to anyone in the recycling market at present. Fear of a complete China...
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