Manufacturers call for incentives to capture value from waste


A manifesto has been published by EEF – The Manufacturers’ Organisation that calls for a range of recycling and resource efficiency policies to be introduced.

Ahead of the General Election in May, EEF has published Securing a Manufacturing Renaissance that sets out its priorities for the next Government and Parliament.


Secondary Commodity Markets 2015 – the conference for buyers and sellers of recyclable materials takes place on 3 March 2015 in London. Find out more here

Among measures proposed are the introduction of incentives to capture value from waste in order to generate high quality materials for manufacturers and as a means of prodcing energy.

EEF would also like to see the establishment of a centre for remanufacturing innovation and incentives introduced to encourage resource efficiency.

Like the Institution of Civil Engineers (see here), EEF would also like the Government to create an Office for Resource Management that would ensure raw materials are made available to manufacturers either from primary or secondary sources.

Read the manifesto here