Novelis to convert all of its beverage can sheet to high-recycled content evercan aluminium by 2017


Global aluminium rolling and recycling company Novelis has announced that all of its aluminium can sheet will be under its high-recycled content brand by 2017.

Under its evercan brand, the can body sheet produced by Novelis is certified 90 per cent recycled content, compared to the global industry average of 50 per cent.


Speaking at the JPMorgan Chase & Co Chief Sustainability Officers Summit in New York, Novelis president and chief executive Phil Martens said: “The transition to a low-carbon, circular economy requires innovation and disruption to create measurable impact. Our plan to produce only evercan body sheet by 2017 is a bold move that extends our leadership in sustainability and is an important part of our long-term strategy to increase the recycled content in our products to 80 per cent by the end of the decade.”

In his speech, he also announced that Novelis will assist other aluminium manufacturers by sharing knowledge of the process to certify high-recycled content beverage sheet using the methodology of SCS Global Services, which certifies the evercan sheet.

He added: “We understand that the shift to a certified, high-recycled content aluminium beverage can sheet represents a significant change for the industry with far-reaching effects.

“Through an open-sourced platform, we are committed to working with beverage brands, can makers and other aluminium manufacturers to build the closed-loop, low-carbon economy of the future. Accomplishing this change is going to require all of these stakeholders to work together to make the use of recycled materials the standard for the beverage can industry and to increase recycling rates among consumers.”

Novelis has also recently received certification from SCS for its high-recycled content can end sheet production in North America in addition to the body sheet. This will be available globally next year.