Recycling prices and market commentary: 20 October 2023


A fall in the price of the PRN/PERN helped to push down physical plastic packaging grades this week, but there was a rise for non-ferrous metals.

Paper grades were largely stable apart from a small increase in the price of OCC.


Markets remain uncertain and there isn’t yet the uplift in available material or demand for material that would be expected in the run-up to Christmas. Nobody is really sure if it will come or not.

With October rapidly coming towards its end, markets are starting to think about November and next week may set a benchmark until December.

There was no change on the FX rate for the pound and dollar with it trading at $1.21 still at the end of the week. But the euro eased a touch to €1.14 from €1.15 a week ago.

Recycled plastics

The PRN/PERN came down by about £25 per tonne this week on the back of the latest monthly NPWD figures.

This brought down the price of packaging grades on the whole by the same amount as underlying prices didn’t really change.

While there were some isolated trades into Europe on some grades that were balancing out the fall in the PRN/PERN, these were few and far between. Most trading saw base prices unchanged once the fall of the PRN/PERN had been taken into account.

Sellers of material continue to see if there is any opportunity in markets such as Turkey and further beyond into South East Asia as European demand is generally quite static.

Recycled paper

One buyer of OCC set the tone earlier in the week but eased back later in the week, although most of the market didn’t respond to the same extent.

The impact of this was a slightly higher OCC price for the overall market.

All other grades saw no real change.

Fibre markets are now thinking about November and next week would typically be the main trading week for the month ahead. With it also coinciding with half-term school holidays for many, few are expecting too much change to the supply/demand balance despite it being a historically busy month ahead of Christmas.

Recycled metals

Copper was up by £25 per tonne, while both brass and aluminium increased by £50 per tonne. There was no change for ferrous grades.

Recycling prices

For recycled paper prices, click here

For recycled plastic prices, click here

For recycled metal prices, click here

For recycled glass prices, click here

For PRN/PERN prices, click here