Turkey bans exports of scrap aluminium and paper


An effective ban on exports of scrap aluminium and paper has been imposed by the government of Turkey.

Last year, the country placed prohibitive restrictions on the export of scrap copper and this has now been extended to both aluminium and paper scrap.


European trade association Eurometaux trade policy manager Lynette Chung told scrap-ex news: “Turkey introduced restrictions on the export of copper scrap last year. I understand that it has now extended this to both aluminium and paper scrap exports.

“What is clear is that exports to both the EU and other non-EU countries are being significantly limited. Turkey is in a customs union with the EU and should, therefore, allow free movement of goods and lift these restrictions”

She added that the restriction on copper scrap, which was introduced in 2010, has been raised with the Directorate General for Trade in the European Commission, and that it has yet to resolve the issue with Turkey despite discussions. Greek and Bulgarian refiners are believed to have been most affected by the restrictions with one smelter getting as little as 7 per cent of the copper they once imported from Turkey. Even if the price and conditions from the EU smelters are workable for buying the Turkish scrap, there is currently no opportunity for them to get hold of the scrap.

scrap-ex news has also seen an email from a Turkish exporter to a UK company that said the Turkish government had banned exports of material abroad. It describes how companies wishing to export need to get a report from three manufacturing companies stating that they have no need for this material as well as a dispensation from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Trade.

It is believed that companies must also join a specific trade association. In effect, these restrictions make trade impossible and the Turkish government has effectively “banned exports” said the source.