WRAP confident of fulfilling circular economy work despite funding cut


In its annual report, WRAP chairman Peter Stone has expressed his view that WRAP remains well placed to deliver process in resource efficiency and the circular economy despite reduced funding.

In his introduction to WRAP’s report and consolidated accounts for the year to 31 March 2013, he wrote that the organisation has a strong track record of working with partners to tackle the challenge of diminishing natural resources and promoting the circular economy.


He added: “These issues matter to Governments, not least because of the economic benefits and contribution to growth to be derived from increased efficiency in the use of resources, reduced waste, and investment in reprocessing infrastructure…

“…This is exciting territory. Confidence and vision are needed to see the business case for investment, and then design business models which move us away from the traditional ‘make, use, dispose, make another’ approach. There is evidence of some leading companies developing such models, for example in the area of clothing retail. However, the market is inevitably immature, and my sense is that these developments are still tentative and embryonic rather than mainstream within business strategy…

“…During the year one of our Government funders, Defra, announced it was to review its financial support for WRAP, and our role in its policy delivery. As part of Defra’s response to the Spending Review Settlement announced on 26 June 2013, funding through to 2015/16 has now been agreed. While funding will be at a  significantly reduced level at £15.5 million in 2015/16, this is neither unexpected nor surprising given the UK Government’s commitment to reducing the budget deficit.

“Despite the inevitable cut, we view the settlement as a huge vote of confidence in the work WRAP does. Less money means rightly that we will need to focus on fewer priorities and we will be discussing the detail of our future work with Defra over the coming months.”