The MetalMatters campaign that aims to get households to recycle more metal packaging reached 1.9 million households across 31 local authorities in 2012.
As a result of the four MetalMatters campaigns that concluded in 2012, 13 partner local authorities expanded their kerbside recycling schemes to include foil trays, household foil, aerosols and metal caps and closures.
The scheme is managed by Alupro.
Its executive director Rick Hindley said: “MetalMatters; achievements to date are impressive and testament to the commitment of all involved, from the people on the ground who delivered the campaigns day-to-day, to our industry funding partners who have committed significant investment in the programme.
“Our plans for MetalMatters were shaped by the 2010 pilot scheme, which produced hard evidence to show that the industry’s approach resulted in demonstrable successes.
“After a year of refining the programme to suit a range of local collection systems and circumstances, and building on experiences, I am delighted that MetalMatters continues to deliver a strong return on investment. It makes a difference within local communities and drives up local recycling rates.
“We have big plans for the year ahead and firmly believe the continual growth of the programme lies within widening our network of stakeholders. We would encourage more waste management companies, waste partnerships and local authorities to become involved with MetalMatters.”