Recycling export report: paper (May 2019)


OCC and mixed paper exports fell considerably in May 2019, according to the latest HMRC export data.

News & pam exports however, remained relatively stable in terms of volume.


OCC – Commodity code 470710 

Exports of OCC were down globally from April with a total of 190,452 tonnes leaving the UK for EU, Asian and other destinations.

This compared to 178,870 tonnes the month before.

It represented the lowest monthly total since July 2018, and reflects the anecdotal evidence that markets were quiet.

China was still the main export destination with 76,064 tonnes, down from 105,440 tonnes in April. Since we started collating the HMRC data in 2012, this is the lowest monthly total for exports to China.

India was the next strongest destination taking 31,561 tonnes, again down from 37,104 tonnes in April.

This was followed by Turkey with 27,710 tonnes, up from 18,820 tonnes in April. Turkey has now imported more than 16,000 tonnes for four months straight, suggesting it is now a key destination for UK OCC.

Indonesia imported 10,197 tonnes of UK material, down from a huge 73,374 tonnes in April.

Exports to the EU totalled 8,871 tonnes in May, down from 11,734 tonnes a month earlier. Almost half of this went to the Netherlands though, so is likely to be transitional tonnage.

OCC key destinations (47071000)

wdt_ID Date China Vietnam India Indonesia EU
1 01/12/2017 169,797,238 34,109,420 8,423,207 6,773,072 6,969,379
2 01/11/2017 141,195,914 24,491,024 13,601,647 8,683,621 6,358,291
3 01/10/2017 92,401,545 50,490,531 11,873,555 12,380,518 13,695,821
4 01/09/2017 220,831,969 22,871,385 12,628,455 3,961,079 8,304,184
5 01/08/2017 117,351,874 16,737,793 9,619,311 3,816,526 9,572,395
6 01/07/2017 145,445,005 7,086,910 5,253,257 2,246,658 7,136,389
7 01/06/2017 233,535,331 4,335,207 7,572,675 135,975 14,069,860
8 01/05/2017 181,070,651 14,451,740 14,406,892 818,736 5,455,701
9 01/04/2017 210,157,209 17,300,095 19,477,521 13,606,232 8,853,811
10 01/03/2017 232,512,036 10,464,640 10,429,028 8,800,361 3,825,716

Mixed paper – Commodity code 470790

Exports of mixed paper from UK ports fell in May compared to April with 117,715 tonnes leaving in the most recent month compared to 134,025 tonnes the month before.

India was the most significant destination with 33,567 tonnes, down a touch on April’s 35,909 tonnes.

The EU as a whole took 27,986 tonnes up from 20,619 tonnes. Netherlands with 11,793 tonnes was the top EU destination, but this was most likely material going elsewhere. Germany was next with 8,305 tonnes, up compared to April’s 7,891 tonnes.

China took 24,790 tonnes, down from April’s 45,992 tonnes. This remains a surprise considering this grade is banned from import into China.

Indonesia represented the next strongest importer with 8,553 tonnes, lower than April’s 12,624 tonnes.

Mixed paper key destinations (47079010)

wdt_ID Date China Vietnam India Indonesia EU total
1 01/12/2017 22,529,805 5,767,421 16,168,213 28,701,760 15,069,808
2 01/11/2017 21,525,899 6,776,878 21,513,241 32,511,340 19,241,687
3 01/10/2017 9,593,975 4,340,760 14,774,368 54,498,670 24,596,269
4 01/09/2017 37,134,676 3,672,400 5,658,543 17,281,140 27,499,171
5 01/01/2018 19,743,449 5,635,360 26,605,749 18,178,619 22,555,181
6 01/02/2018 16,615,169 6,738,460 37,931,747 14,731,060 23,951,039
7 01/03/2018 9,506,604 3,401,120 62,254,124 18,293,150 30,951,364
8 01/04/2018 12,467,300 6,865,830 43,863,425 16,487,850 32,221,347
9 01/05/2018 20,530,708 7,271,480 31,540,048 8,371,720 31,144,679
10 01/06/2018 17,873,411 4,860,900 21,463,876 23,196,375 29,530,427

News & Pams – Commodity code 4704

Exports of this grade increased in May reaching 24,346 tonnes, from 22,885 tonnes in April. This was the best month since December 2018.

EU countries took most material with 9,370 tonnes, up from 8,478 tonnes in April. Germany was most hungry in Europe with 3,152 tonnes, albeit this was down from 4,421 tonnes in April. Spain (2,718 tonnes) and France (1,831 tonnes) both increased UK purchases in May.

India imported 7,365 tonnes in May, from 6,002 tonnes a month earlier.

Indonesia dropped a touch to 3,423 tonnes from 3,733 tonnes in April.

Turkey also took more news & pam, with 1,702 tonnes in May compared to 1,383 tonnes the month before.

N&P key destinations (470730)

wdt_ID Date China Hong Kong India Indonesia EU total
1 01/12/2017 4,109,684 2,891,240 5,750,650 1,196,290 7,208,623
2 01/11/2017 22,701,293 854,064 6,427,402 2,439,980 6,360,676
3 01/10/2017 9,878,248 2,237,977 4,495,196 4,133,030 7,631,169
4 01/09/2017 10,441,460 593,225 1,422,481 2,950,660 7,715,215
5 01/01/2018 8,524,061 1,958,580 7,465,626 2,193,538 6,699,157
6 01/02/2018 8,068,680 1,397,100 6,475,890 3,724,600 6,653,235
7 01/03/2018 7,895,400 2,116,520 16,849,145 2,073,660 6,505,887
8 01/04/2018 7,804,741 2,645,300 14,271,690 8,301,805 6,904,991
9 01/05/2018 17,523,240 303,650 8,586,135 1,655,540 7,265,323
10 01/06/2018 13,436,260 3,619,580 5,707,480 2,799,660 2,028,904

OCC historic data – all destinations 

OCC exports 2019

OCC exports 2018

OCC exports 2017

OCC exports 2016

OCC exports 2015

OCC exports 2014

OCC exports 2013

OCC exports 2012

Mixed paper historic data – all destinations

Mixed paper 2019

Mixed paper 2018

Mixed paper 2017

N&P historic data – all destinations

N&P 2019

N&P 2018

N&P 2017 

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