Ten European Union partners and one from the UK are working together in the REPurpose project to tackle PET recycling and create new thermoplastic elastomer polymers.
REPurpose is aiming to develop and validate the production of a platform of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design, additive free thermoplastic elastomer prototypes for speciality applications in sectors such as consumer goods, automotive and building and construction.
These polymers would have intrinsic biodegradability and recyclability properties. New building blocks will be derived from biomass or enzymatically degraded polyolefins and PET, with waste cardboard and paper potentially used as a biomass source.
Organisations and companies funded by the EU in the REPurpose scheme include:
- Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant VZW (BE), Coordinator
- B4Plastics (BE)
- AIMPLAS – Plastics Technology Centre (ES)
- Renasci (BE)
- Italbiotec (IT)
- Saarland University (DE)
- Photon Mission (BE)
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences- BOKU (AT)
- University of Aalborg (DK)
- AVEP- Asociacion Valenciana De Empresarios De Plasticos (ES)
While a REPurpose Associate Partner is:
- Mellizyme Biotechnology Limited (now Epoch BioDesign, UK).