Sorting phase of Spanish domestic LDPE recycling plant completed

FCC LDPE recycling plant

The sorting phase of FCC’s domestic LDPE recycling pilot plant in Spain has been completed by Stadler.

Spanish waste management company FCC Medio Ambiente is building the pilot plant near Granada, that will process 10,000 tonnes of LDPE from municipal solid waste sources per year.


Stadler has now completed the first separation phase of the facility, with washing, extrusion and production still to be completed by other partners. Lindner has begun installation of the washing phase.

The domestic LDPE recycling plant is expected to open later this year.

The LIFE4FILM project, which is funded by the European Union, will output around 4,000 tonnes per year of recycled polyethylene regranulates.

Other partners in the project, as well as FCC, Stadler and Lindner, include University of Granada, IbaƱez Extrusoras, Erema and Aimplas.

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