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Sterling Polymers buys Ward Recycling fibre sorting site

The former Ward Recycling site in Hartlepool

Plastic recycling firm Sterling Polymers has bought the former Ward Recycling fibre sorting plant in Hartlepool.

The company, according to The Northern Echo, plans to invest £25 million to develop the site so that it also processes post-consumer and post-industrial flexible plastics.

In February 2021, Ward Recycling went into administration after setting up the first of its kind in the UK fibre sorting facility.

Hartlepool Borough Council leader Shane Moore told the newspaper: “I recently had the chance to visit the Sterling Polymers site and learn more about their exciting plans for Hartlepool.

“This will be the UK’s first flexible packaging and re-processing plant of this type and I’m really looking forward to seeing facilities on the site expand over the coming years.”

Sterling Polymers operations and compliance director Tom Croxford added: “Our management team has over 30 years’ experience within the industry and this level of investment highlights our commitment to sustainability and also to the local area.

“We’ve been working with the Council’s Economic Growth Team and look forward to further developing this relationship.”


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