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Two Nationwide Recycling directors sent to jail for four years


The two directors of glass company Nationwide Recycling found guilty of fraud have been imprisoned for four years each.

Nationwide Recycling directors Andrew Thomas and Paul Thomas pleaded guilty to charges of fraud, money laundering and breaking the Environmental Permitting Regulations at Swansea Crown Court last October.

The company was also found guilty of issuing PRNs for waste that had not been received and for operating a facility contrary to the Environmental Permitting Regulations.

Andrew Thomas and Paul Thomas were each sentenced to four years in prison at Swansea Crown Court.

Paul Thomas was given a confiscation order of £224,702.74 and Andrew Thomas was given a confiscation order of £218,702,74. This follows an investigation by Natural Resources Wales, assisted by South Wales Police, that allowed the Court to confiscate assets made from the illegal activity using the Proceeds of Crime Act.

They accepted that they obtained benefit of over £1.5 million each meaning over £3 million was made illegally.

Both have six months to pay the confiscation orders or face an additional 32 months on their prison sentence.

Natural Resources Wales lead officer John Rock said: “As regulators of the waste industry, we have to make sure that all companies operate legally to make sure there is a level playing field. Occasionally, there are those who break the law simply to profit from their activities and this will not be tolerated.

“In this case, the actions of the offenders have undermined the recycling markets and industry, which are vital to make sure the waste we all produce is not sent to landfill.

“People who do consider breaking the law simply to make money must understand that not only will they be punished for their offences, the profits they make are also at risk.”

Employees Beverley Bradford and Terrance Ainge were sentenced at Swansea Crown Court on 5 July to 24 months imprisonment suspended for two years.