WRAP seeks cash to ‘supercharge’ plastics programme


The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) is seeking funding to invest further in its Plastic Pact Network, which has recycled hundreds of thousands of tonnes of the material.

The charity said it was looking for fresh sources of income to scale up the initiative it launched in 2018 with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.


Plastic Pacts, which unite public, private and third sector bodies in a sustainability mission, now exist in 19 countries representing more than 2 billion people, WRAP said.

These have achieved the elimination of more than 360,000 tonnes of the material, the body claimed, while in excess of 850,000 tonnes of packaging has been made reusable, recyclable or compostable at scale.

Countries taking part in the initiative have seen a 9 per cent increase in the amount of plastic packaging recycled, equating to 463,000 tonnes, WRAP added.

In a report published this month, the body said: “Looking ahead, the Plastics Pact Network will accelerate and further scale its impact at national and global level by building on the mechanisms in place, the stakeholders mobilised and the impact and learnings to date.”

WRAP said it wanted to “supercharge” the initiative and increase its focus on priority themes of waste prevention, reuse and flexible packaging.

“To bring the Plastics Pacts Network to this next level, WRAP, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and individual Plastics Pacts are looking for additional funding,” said the report. “We strive for the Plastics Pact Network to be funded through a combination of philanthropic funding and
membership fees.”