Loans to help Scottish SMEs become resource efficient


Small- and medium-sized SMEs in Scotland are able to take advantage of loans up to £100,000 to make their businesses more efficient.

Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has announced that Resource Efficient Scotland SME loans will extend those previously made by the Energy Savings Trust in Scotland to include measures to save water, materials and energy.


This will be available through the Scottish Government’s Resource Efficient Scotland programme.

He said: “We launched Resource Efficient Scotland to help businesses benefit from expertise on energy, water and materials all from one service.

“Through the small business loans, hundreds of businesses have been able to make vital savings by putting in place ways to save on energy and produce renewable energy.

“By safeguarding and using resources wisely, with best business practice, Scotland’s forms are an example to all. I would encourage businesses to speak to Resource Efficient Scotland today to access this financial support.”

Resource Efficient Scotland head Marissa Lippiatt said: “More than 8,500 businesses have accessed advice and support from Resource Efficient Scotland since the spring and almost half a million pounds of savings for businesses have been identified so far if those businesses implement changes. Having these new loans available will help businesses go further in their efforts to be more resource efficient.”