The Recycling Association has appointed Paul Sanderson as its new chief executive, while Chris Burton will become the new managing director of its subsidiary IWPP Limited.
Current chief executive Simon Ellin has announced his retirement at the end of March, and a revised structure has been put in place with the new appointments. Previously, Simon was chief executive of both The Recycling Association and IWPP.
Now Paul Sanderson will oversee The Recycling Association and the United Kingdom Security Shredding Association, while Chris Burton will manage IWPP and the office and staff in Daventry. Paul will join The Recycling Association on 1 March and his recycling market news service REB Market Intelligence will be integrated into the work of the Association, becoming a Member benefit later in the year.
Both Paul and Chris will work closely together under the new structure.
The Recycling Association president Craig Curtis said: “I’m delighted that Chris and Paul will be taking on these roles under a new structure.
“Both have worked closely together over many years, and have a fantastic relationship. Of course, they have supported Simon Ellin in his role over this time and this means there will be a seamless transition up to when Simon enjoys his well-earned retirement.
“I’m very confident that The Recycling Association and IWPP will continue to go from strength-to-strength under this new leadership.”
Paul Sanderson added: “Having worked with The Recycling Association for many years now, I am excited to take on the role of its chief executive and build on the foundations achieved by Simon, Chris, the Board, the team in Daventry and the Membership.
“Chris Burton and I have a close working relationship, and we’ll work together to ensure the future success of The Recycling Association and IWPP.
“I also look forward to working closely with the United Kingdom Security Shredding Association and its Members on their priorities. I’m also keen to push forward the further success of Traqa, that has been developed by The Recycling Association to help track waste shipments.
“Simon Ellin will be missed for all of the hard work, enthusiasm and skill he has shown as chief executive, and I’ll miss him personally. But Chris and I will work together so that The Recycling Association and IWPP build on Simon’s leadership and everything that has been achieved so far.
“I’ve known many of The Recycling Association’s Members for many years, and I look forward to helping them and representing their interests.”
Chris Burton said: “Becoming the managing director of IWPP is a huge honour and I’m looking forward to working with Arlene and Donna in Daventry, the Board and of course Paul to take it forward.
“I’m going to miss Simon when he retires, although I know we will remain mates. But Paul and I get on really well, and we will evolve what Simon, the Board and Membership have put in place to ensure the continued success of The Recycling Association and IWPP.
“Of course, my priority will be to continue to strengthen relationships with new and existing customers and grow IWPP to help fund The Recycling Association and the work it does for its Members.”
Chris Burton was previously commercial director of IWPP, which is the trading subsidiary company that helps to fund the activities of The Recycling Association. He will have overall responsibility for IWPP, continuing and developing relationships with trading partners, and he will also manage Arlene Butler and Donna Sanderson in the Daventry office.
Paul Sanderson has provided communications and consultancy services to The Recycling Association since 2015 working closely with Simon and the Board. He has been involved in the recycling sector since 2004 when he joined MRW magazine. He will be responsible for the Membership of The Recycling Association, policy development, communications, events and driving forward the Traqa product along with Lee Thickett and Mike Jackson. He will also become secretary of the United Kingdom Security Shredding Association. Paul currently runs the recycling news and information service REB Market Intelligence.
Please note: REB Market Intelligence will continue in its current format but from 1 March 2023 will be integrated into The Recycling Association and will be made available to Members free of charge later in the year. Current subscribers who are not Members of The Recycling Association will be able to continue their subscription to get all of the information as normal. Any existing subscriptions will continue to be honoured until the annual subscription expires. On expiry, subscribers will have the option either to apply to become a Member of The Recycling Association or continue with a new subscription.