Report finds Netherlands is at the forefront of developing a circular economy for plastics 


Research on securing plastic feedstock has found that the Netherlands is leading the way when it comes to circular plastics from recycling. 

The recent study conducted by KPMG called Plastic feedstock for recycling in the Netherlands highlights its leading position in the reuse of raw materials in Europe in terms of resource recycling. 


The study revealed the ambition of the Dutch industry to shift to biobased materials and circular raw materials derived from plastic waste that would bring a range of climate benefits, ranging from reducing plastic incineration and reducing the use of fossil fuels during production. 

Preparations are under way to scale up waste recycling capacity and multi-million investments are being made to double capacity to more than 2,200 kilotons by 2030 in a move to establish a closed loop system. 

To boost plastic recycling in the Netherlands and Europe, KPMG outlines policy options the government can facilitate in an effort to prevent 70% of the 1,698 kilotons of annual plastic waste from being incinerated.   

The plans are ambitious but not without their challenges as KPMG predicts that supply will stagnate at around 1,000 kilotons by 2030 and additional measure will be required to bridge the gap to ensure European targets are met. 

The analysis sets out the policy options for establishing a closed loop system to maximise plastic recycling and increase the production of circular raw materials derived from plastic waste, placing the nation at the forefront of European progress. 

Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers president Focco Vjselaar said: “This research takes the waste processing companies, the chemical industry and the plastics sector a crucial step forward on the way to green plastic.  

“Recycling plastic on a massive scale and adopting chemical recycling methods will make Europe less dependent on fossil raw materials from elsewhere in the world.  

“Moreover, these innovations will give us an advantage and our manufacturing industry will remain competitive in the long term.  

“This offers the best guarantee for well-paid green jobs with less impact on the world and the environment where people live and spend their leisure time.”