Nova Chemicals funds campaign to halt Indonesian plastic pollution

Project STOP
The beach in Muncar, Indonesia

NOVA Chemicals has announced a three-year investment of nearly 1.5 million euros into Project STOP to prevent plastic debris reaching the ocean.

The investment supports a new global initiative to design and implement solutions to reduce marine plastic pollution, especially in countries with high leakage of plastics into the oceans.


Under the Project STOP scheme, Southeast Asia has been identified as a major source of marine plastic debris as economic development and plastics consumption have outpaced the expansion of waste management systems in the region. Project STOP has chosen Indonesia as a primary focus region.

Plastic debris entering the ocean

“We understand the growing concern about marine plastic pollution and agree we must take meaningful action to address this challenge. NOVA Chemicals’ investment demonstrates our commitment to shaping a world that is even better tomorrow than it is today,” said John Thayer, senior vice president, polyethylene business at NOVA Chemicals.

“Plastics are too valuable to be thrown away or left as litter. We’re working with Project STOP to find high-impact solutions to prevent plastic pollution in critical locations around the world.”

NOVA Chemicals’ investment will support the first city partnership in Muncar, a coastal fishing community located in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. With minimal waste services in place, many citizens are forced to dump their waste directly into the environment. Muncar was chosen as the first STOP location due to the seriousness of the challenge, coupled with strong leadership and environmental commitment at national, regency and local levels.

About Project STOP

Project STOP was co-created in 2017 by Borealis and Systemiq. Borealis is a provides polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers; Systemiq co-creates, incubates and invests in innovative solutions for sustainable land-use, material and energy systems.

Project STOP is focused on three objectives:

  1. Zero leakage of waste into the environment by ensuring waste collection services are available to all households and businesses, through increasing pick-up points, sorting facilities and staff.
  2. Increased recycling of plastics by strengthening the supply chain from waste collection to waste management companies.
  3. Benefits for the local community by creating new jobs in the waste management system and reducing the impacts of mismanaged waste on public health, tourism and fisheries.

“We are delighted to work with NOVA Chemicals to stop plastic pollution from reaching the world’s oceans,” said Martin Stuchtey, Founder and Managing Partner of Systemiq. “There is a great need to accelerate circular waste management solutions in Asia, and we are very excited to design and deliver this new city partnership model, working collaboratively with our global corporate partners and our government partners in Indonesia.”

For more information on Project STOP, watch this video.

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