FEATURE: Plastic recycling rates are increasing, but slowly – a global perspective 

Source: Our World in Data
Source: Our World in Data

In the battle against plastic pollution, recycling plays a pivotal role. However, the journey toward sustainable waste management is far from uniform across the globe.  

The Global Landscape 


Over the last two decades, plastic waste recycling has witnessed significant growth worldwide.  

The chart reveals that OECD countries within the European Union, India, and China have been at the forefront of this movement. However, the data shows we are only recycling a very small proportion of the total plastics placed on the market.  

By 2019 the recycling rates of these countries reached 12–13%, according to data last updated in September 2023. These regions have most successfully navigated the complexities of plastic waste management, emphasising the importance of robust recycling infrastructure and public awareness campaigns. But it shows there is still a huge amount to do.  

However, the pace of progress varies dramatically. Non-OECD Asian countries and Latin America have made strides, albeit more gradually. Their recycling rates, while not as high as those of their OECD counterparts, demonstrate an increasing commitment to sustainability.

This data estimates plastic waste per end-of-life fate after accounting for recycling losses and collected littering. 

Challenges and Regional Disparities 

United States: A Lagging Performer 

The United States, despite its economic might, lags behind in plastic recycling.  

By 2019, the US managed a meagre 4.5% recycling rate.  

Factors contributing to this sluggish progress include inadequate infrastructure, inconsistent policies, and limited public engagement. The need for a nationwide push toward recycling education and investment cannot be overstated. 

Middle East & North Africa (MENA): A Struggle for Sustainability 

The MENA region faces unique challenges. Its recycling rates remain low, hovering around 4.5%.  

Geopolitical tensions, economic disparities, and insufficient waste management systems hinder progress.  

To combat plastic pollution effectively, MENA countries must prioritise recycling infrastructure, research, and cross-border collaboration. 

The Way Forward 

  1. Education and Awareness: Public education campaigns are critical. Citizens need to understand the impact of their recycling choices and the importance of proper waste disposal. 
  1. Investment in Infrastructure: Governments and businesses must invest in recycling facilities, collection systems, and innovative technologies. 
  1. Collaboration: International cooperation can bridge regional disparities. Sharing best practices and learning from successful models will accelerate progress. 
  1. Circular Economy: Transitioning to a circular economy, where plastics are reused and repurposed, is the ultimate goal. 

In the fight against plastic pollution, incremental progress matters.  The importance of redoubling our efforts globally, to continue to progress with our collective goals for a more circular economy.  

Source: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-plastic-waste-recycled